Sunday, February 10, 2008

Carb Loading

Richard and I volunteered to pour beer at the annual KLCC microbrew festival which was held last night. Ostensibly, we're supporting public radio by donating our time. In reality, if you volunteer to pour beer for a happy crowd for 3 1/2 hours, then you get your glass for free. Pretty good deal, no? Well, we had the good fortune to be assigned to pour for the far and away hometown favorite, Ninkasi Brewing Co. If you're a Eugene SNOB (supporter of native Oregon beers), then you probably know Jamie and really like everything he makes. Ninkasi has been ubiquitous in Eugene establishments for most of the past 2 years, but every third person in line last night wanted to know when they were going to start bottling. You might be relieved to know that 'in about 3 weeks' is the blessed answer. Anyway, we performed our due diligence and then did our best to make the rounds, but since there were more than 150 beers, we kind of steered toward the unknown. Lesson? Beware: Chili beer could potentially ruin your appetite for more beer. I'm telling you, it was a close call.

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