Friday, February 15, 2008


Anyone who is a childless housewife, particularly anyone who is an insomniac childless housewife, might enjoy this. I found the part about growing more microscopic capillaries was particularly inspiring.

I jogged six miles today in a 1.5 mile loop around a park. I almost made it a three-miler, but decided to just plow through, and my recompense was seeing a couple skipping down the trail, each holding one of their toddler's hands, swinging the kid and laughing. And, since the snow made it all the darlinger, I hated it less. Also I passed them. So I am faster than a skipping couple toting a toddler. At least I am faster than someone.

Speaking of faster, some military-looking guy passed me twice, which is kind of embarrassing on a 1.5 mile trail. Getting passed once, par for the course. Getting passed twice you have to consciously shake off.


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