Sunday, February 17, 2008

More bananas! More water!

So I ran six miles today. And then I've walked two miles to my favorite coffeeshop. Now I type. Presumably, I'll walk two miles to home when I'm done. I used to do a lot more walking, proud of my pedestrianism, but I've been a slacky head of late. It felt good. I could feel all of the muscles in my legs. I really should do it more. It's not hard.

Anyway, I sit and type and contemplate the things that might enable the, so far, elusive runner's high. Maybe I should pay more attention to my cravings and consume more potassium, H2O, iron, calcium and protein. It's true, I've had some strange pangs of late. Oh, and stop eating so damn much! I feel like I'm going to puke from indigestion every time I run.

Something's gotta give. Maybe it's my diet and maybe it's that...


amy said...

after i ran my six miles, i came home, glassy-eyed and desperate-looking, took a shower, and then remained in my bathrobe for the next three hours, WAY too tired to put my pants back on. i was so so tired. you walked four miles after running six. it's impressive.

Mike said...

Yeah, well here's the rest of the story: I had a salad and 2 beers at the coffeeshop and then walked home - all the while feeling every muscle in my legs and fantasizing about the green curry I was going to order for dinner. THEN I started thinking about how good a little bit of cool ice cream would be to chase the spicy curry. THEN I started to get REALLY hungry; like craving pang HUNGRY. SO. I stopped into the grocery store before I got home and bought 2 pints of Haagen-Dazs. THEN (and this is the really embarrassing part) I opened them outside the store and started eating them from the top with my front teeth ('cause, you spoon)before I left the parking lot. Oh, and then I destroyed my green curry and slept like the dead. So, no, I wasn't too tired to put my pants back on, but it did hit me just the same.