Monday, February 18, 2008


I just ran my 6 from last week. The weekend just didn't work out for me this time. I woke up disproportionately hungover (or so I thought) on Saturday and the blinding headache just never left. I didn't leave the house all weekend.

The 6, she was ok. There were lots of (fair weather) runners out and it was 60 weird and humid degrees. I thought it would pour rain on me, but it didn't. I kind of get a kick out of running in ridiculous weather, especially if it starts when you're already running. Torrential rains, 50 mph winds, snow. It just makes it feel that much more worth doing. Look! I'm running in this! Why would I do that if I weren't awesome? I didn't feel that awesome today, but I finished. And next week I get to run with Mike. Yippee! We'll be sure to post a picture of how cute we are so you can all puke.

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