Sunday, February 10, 2008

Slipping Back In

I did my fiver yesterday. I won't kid ya, it was work. It hurt. I thought that I was in a pretty good position, training-wise, because I've been running more or less consistently, 3-5 miles, 2-3 times a week, since about August. Nothing serious and since I didn't have any fitness goals, I didn't really worry if I'd missed a week or two, and it usually felt pretty good so it was no big deal. In short, I thought I'd laid down a pretty good base.

But I confess, I ran three 8:00s on the treadmill two weeks ago and then hadn't done anything since. I don't really know where it came from, but I experienced a serial lack of motivation coinciding with the official start of training. Kind of bad timing, that. I did NOTHING all this week. Which can be difficult to recover from, given our schedule. But then...

For some unexplainable reason, I woke up at 5:30 yesterday morning. Not that I got up, but I was awake. And so feeling the combination of crushing guilt, a stirring of actual motivation and desire AND lacking anything better to do, I got up and committed my self to a five-mile run: you can't catch up, you can only jump in. And the being out in it wasn't even drudgery because it was a beautiful morning; like spring, really. It was sunny and mild, eventually reaching 60 blue-sky degrees in the afternoon. The running did hurt though. And in some unusual places, which I won't go into. But I think it was good. I think I needed it. The pain was its own kind of motivation insofar as, "see: you're really not in that great of shape, you really do need to take this seriously and do the stuff. Oh, and you should probably rearrange your schedule and do some other stuff, too, because I don't think that jogging alone is going to cut it."

Anyway, I hurt today, but in a good way. You know, that kind of pain that makes you just a little bit hungry for more? Well, it's like that. I'm not sure why, but it feels kind of good to know that I'm actually starting from square one. If I had to guess, I'd suppose that it's probably because it will be easier to measure progress. And I do like progress.

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