Monday, January 21, 2008


It's COLD outside!

OK, so maybe those of you who live in NEW YORK and UTAH don't really want to hear about it, but to those of us who reside out here in God's country, it's cold. Too damn cold to be running around outside after dark anyway.

At least it's dry.

Fortunately, I'm rarely inhibited by trivial notions like "common" sense (oh, there's a list) and so I cut the sleeves off of a sweatshirt, put it on as an extra layer and did the thing. You know, it hurt. Whatever. It's all good. I'm just hoping that I didn't catch this lungular frostbite I've been reading so much about.

Better take some more medicine just in case.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I salute you; you are a better man than I.