Friday, January 25, 2008

marathon spirits

I loved the movie and especially the sold-out theater full of runners. What a friendly and energetic bunch of freaks. Did it get you psyched for this marathon thing? I left there all "Woohoo! Marathon!" and then I bought some wine.

I thought it was interesting how the professional runners (Djenga/Kastor) seemed kind of normal and awesome and the competitive non-professionals (the passive/aggressive couple) seemed like jerks. At least their relationship was ugly to watch. And then the normal people - the old guy and the two first-timers. They were more my speed.

What did everyone think? Did it make you think you could do it? Whatever. You already know you can do it.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I liked the old guy, Daniel and Deena, but I didn't care for any of the 'regular' folks. The passive-aggressive Boston couple was ugly, but Lori and her husband didn't have 'forever' written all over them either.

Was it me or was Katherine Switzer portrayed by Dina Araz from season 4 of '24'?