Monday, January 28, 2008


aside from going to see movies, drinks and a play with Mike(Lisa is strangly silent on this subject), The training is starting; I am up to 3ish mile runs at roughly 8.5 minute miles. I havent ran a long run in sometime and look to increase miles some time this week with a long run (barring any snow!) this weekend. Lisa and I are doing a snowshoe trip in two weeks and most of my workouts have been geared towards hill work. I am applying the slow and steady method!


amy said...

holy fast running.

i am way more freaked out now.

Flood said...

don't be. i once ran a mile that fast, i think, on a treadmill. but i sure couldn't run more than one. not in a row. i'm looking at about a ten minute mile pace these days. don't fret. you'll get where you need to be. and it isn't where he is.