Tuesday, January 15, 2008

fine, i ran too.

I guess if I'm gonna go on about how not hard at all it is to run a marathon, I better start running, too. And weather.com was right. 35 does feel like 25. Fuuuuck. And not to be super positive about this, but I've been finding it fun and distracting to make up little chants for myself while I run. Seriously, trying to rhyme Cuisine of Pakistan (which is what I had for lunch, bad idea,) with something about how awesome I am can occupy my mind for miles. I think I may have to go multimedia and make a motivational video for you guys. Don't kill yourselves over how awful it is now. Cause it's gonna get worse. But it's gonna get better too. The point is to keep going out there until you can do it. Feed your bodies. Rest. Drink water. We'll get there. This is the first time I've run 5 miles at once since 2005. Amy, remember how you used to say you were sinews and metal? You still are. Go protein!

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