Monday, January 21, 2008

A Good One

I am due for a positive post and, luckily, my run today warrants one. Ok, so it was on a treadmill. But it was FUN! And I was faster than I thought (I will spare you the numbers, as you will think less of me...just consider it a morale victory)!

I think that I can credit the newly borrowed ipod to the day's success. I mean, how can you feel bad when Melissa Manchester hits the key change in the third verse of Don't Cry Out Loud? You can't. I was thinking that maybe Erin could just sing it over and over during the marathon, to keep our spirits up.

Between Melissa Manchester and Michael Jackson, I had a calm abdomen, a little spring in my step, and hope for the future. I didn't even have to distract myself with the Snoop Dogg show (which, interestingly, was on again. I guess it's a popular one). I ran three and a half miles, and I'm gonna do it again tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Flood said...

Yay! Let the awesome ensue!