Monday, January 14, 2008

Tattoo on my forehead

Yea, the title has nothing to do with the content.

The page I use is, but it looks much like the page that Ms. Flood uses.

So, just in case you are wondering, I am not quite the alcoholic I made myself out to be in my last blog (she says as she drinks a beer). I do make beer, but my New Years resolution was to drink less and exercise more which is why I am running this marathon. So now I just drink the brewski on those exceptionally crappy work days where I need the alcoholic crutch to keep from tearing out my hair and running down the street screaming...wait, what a good way to get in shape!

My accomplishments for the weekend. I did nothing active on Saturday but on Sunday I ran most of 5.5 miles. I say 'most of' cuz I am embarrassed to say that I walked some. My excuse....well, where to start, I have about 80. One of which is the beer belly of course, let me know if you want the other 79. I am working on getting another runner on board who lives in Portland and can train with me. Of course it will be nothing like training with Flood (but only because Kate is nice to me).

I did join a gym today so that I can train alone during these cold dark months without having to run through my ghetto neighborhood where drive-by shootings occur often, including at the bus stop right next to my house. Now if I actually go to the gym, it will make the huge membership fee worth it.

Glad to see you are committed, Mr. Messenger. We'll run next time I am in Eugene, which will be never.

Hope everyone had a shiny happy good weekend.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I don't know if my weekend was shiny happy good, but it was OK. Would you be pissed if I told you that I was in your town and didn't say Hi? Because I would if the tables were turned.