Monday, January 14, 2008

The Schedule

I posted the training schedule as an image at the bottom of the page. It will always appear at the bottom of the page but you may want to put it on your desktop, in your car, on your mirror, under your pillow or have it tattooed on your left arm as well. That's up to you. As you can see, it's really not that bad. Look at all those weeks chock-full of three-milers. That's nothing. That's a joke. You were made for this.

In order to plan, brag about and share your runs both awesome and terrible, you can use this site. It's great for figuring out mileage before or after you run and you can post the little maps to the blog. Michelle, don't you use a different site for this same purpose? You sent me a link once but I can't remember. Post it up. Maybe it's better.

See this crazy-ass walk I took on Saturday? Cuckoo!

Does everyone have good shoes? Has everyone started running a little? Did you tell your friends and family that you're running a marathon? Tell them. Commit. Write a song about it. I did.

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